Our population-based patient cohort, which is the main source of the data on this website, comprises all patients diagnosed with a haematological malignancy or related precursor condition within the study region. Patients enter the cohort on the day they are diagnosed (~2,500 per year) and are regularly followed up. In addition to laboratory data generated by HMDS and clinical data collected from patients' medical records, HMRN is linked to nationwide information on deaths, cancer registrations, and Hospital Episode Statistics (HES). Area-based population data and characteristics, including measures of socioeconomic deprivation and urban/rural status, are routinely obtained from the UK census and the Office for National Statistics (ONS). More information about HMRN's cohort can be found in our published cohort profile.
HMRN has a large dedicated Patient Partnership, which ensures that our research reflects the interests of patients and carers. The partnership is overseen by a committee of patients/relatives, specialist nurses and researchers who meet throughout the year to discuss projects and raise any concerns patients may have. Our participant hub, the Yorkshire and Humberside Haematology Network (YHHN), contains more information.
Choose one of the sections below to find out more or to visit YHHN.